Attorney Competence: Developing a Law Firm Mental-Health Wellness Plan
March 27, 2025, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m., via Zoom
(This activity is approved for 1 hour of specialty MCLE credit for Wellness Competence)
Tracy Simmons, PhD is psychologist serving the greater Sacramento area at Kaiser. She serves as a liaison between primary care and psychiatry to offer consultation, education, evidence-based intervention, coaching in lifestyle change, and is passionate about helping working professionals avoid burnout.
Ruben Escobedo is an attorney at WorkWorld Law in Atascadero, CA. His firm partners with lawyers across California representing employees in employment law litigation.
Course Description:
This program will cover various subjects relevant to high-performance professionals, focusing on the well-being of lawyers and their staff in the law firm environment. Topics will include: (1) Managing stress; (2) Compassion fatigue; (3) Time management; (4) Self-compassion; (5) ABA resources; (6) and other practical tools and techniques.
Registration $10 members/staff; $20 nonmembers