Strategies for Effective Mediation: Enhancing Client Outcomes and Satisfaction

Strategies for Effective Mediation: Enhancing Client Outcomes and Satisfaction

March 28th @ 12 Noon at The Santa Maria Inn, Hancock Room

Presenter: Ty Green of Radovich Tangeman Green

Ty has been practicing law for 43 years with the first half of his career devoted entirely to litigation. His career gradually moved from litigation to a practice dominated by transactional/commercial matters. Over his career, Ty has been involved in hundreds of mediation sessions.

The discussion will focus on strategies for more satisfying mediation for attorneys and clients:

  1. Pre-mediation conferences with the mediator
  2. Preparing the client for mediation
  3. Strategies for an effective resolution
  4. What you can do to help the mediator
  5. Creative settlement options
  6. Making sure the settlement sticks
  7. Post-mediation
  8. And, of course, the inevitable war stories (which will hopefully be used only for illustration)

Registration/lunch prices are $35 members/staff/law students; $50 non-members and includes your choice of a Ranch Cobb Salad, Turkey Club, or Veggie Wrap.

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